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Jumat, 31 Maret 2017



This song is written by Ilin Sumantri. This song tells us the beauty of a woman if she is using hijab. It also gives advice to a woman to follow the commandments of God and also devote to parents. Innuendo also written in this song. If the women didn't carry out the commandments of God such as pray, fasting, and close the awrah, she will suffer torture in the afterlife.

Lyrics :

Indung Indung Kepala Lindung
Hujan Di Udik Di Sini Mendung
Anak Siapa Pakai Kerudung
Mata Melirik Kaki Kesandung

La Haula Wala Kuwwatta
Mata Melihat Seperti Buta
Tiada Daya Tiada Upaya
Melainkan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Aduh Aduh Siti Aishah
Mandi Di Kali Rambutnya Basah
Tidak Sembahyang Tidak Puasa
Di Dalam Kubur Mendapat Siksa

Duduk Goyang Di Kursi Goyang
Beduk Subuh Hampir Siang
Bangunkan Ibu Suruh Sembahyang
Jadilah Anak Yang Tersayang

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