The poulation of East Kalimantan in 2014 was 3,508 million. The most ethnicity in East Kalimantan ethnic Javanese (30.24%) which is spread in almost all regions, especially the transmigration areas to urban areas. The second largest ethnic group, namely Bugis (20.81%), which occupy many coastal areas and urban areas. The third largest ethnic group is the Banjar (12.45%), which is dominant in the city of Samarinda and Balikpapan . East Kalimantan is a major destination of origin of Java , Sulawesi and South Kalimantan .
In fourth place is Ethnic Dayak (9.94%), which occupies the interior. Ethnic Kutai (7.80%) who inhabit Kutai, East Kutai and Kutai Barat was fifth. In the sixth to ten consecutively ethnic Toraja (2.21%), Paser (1.89%), Sunda (1.57%), Madura (1.32%) and the Tribe Buton (1.25%) as well as other ethnic groups from various regions in Indonesia.
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Clarissa Febiola W
I have served you a site about East Kalimantan. Hope you guys will get some new things that you haven't known about it. .
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